Andrew Archer是一位插画家兼艺术总监,出生于新西兰奥克兰,目前居住在澳大利亚墨尔本。
受启发于流行文化,时尚,超现实主义,木版画和他在亚洲的经历,Andrew Archer的作品是迷幻的色彩和有节奏的线条极具个人风格的组合。Andrew能够轻松的混合多种视觉风格,他表现主题时多样而独特的方法使他能与各种各样的客户合作。
Andrew Archer is an illustrator and art director who was born in Auckland, New Zealand and he currently resides in Melbourne, Australia.
Inspired by pop culture, fashion, surrealism, wood block prints and his time spent in Asia, his work is a mix of hallucinogenic colour and rhythmic line. Andrew mixes visual styles effortlessly, his versatility and unique approach to each individual item can be seen in his work with a diverse range of clients.
For Andrew, no specific medium, colour or tool is ever ruled out in his visual style. His work is best suited for items that allow him to indulge his imagination and unique colour palette.
Andrew x 武汉冰雪嘉年华主视觉
Andrew x 武汉冰雪嘉年华主视觉
NBA明星手持 Andrew Archer 的系列画作