Shantell Martin


在Shantell Martin标志的黑白画作表面下,是一位艺术家对观众与艺术家角色的探索。在Martin的世界里,一件艺术作品与创作者和观赏者是不可分割的,艺术不只是一件与创作开始的过程脱节,供人欣赏的物品。她更愿意认为自己的作品是在教育,设计,哲学与科技间构造联系的工具——是这个越来越跨学科的世界的粘合剂。她将观众与周围的事物有条不紊的带入画作,是对不断变化的时间与空间的反射。

Martin与MIT媒体实验室,Autodesk,以及纽约大学Tisch艺术学院的合作作品说明了她在不断探索改变艺术创作和消费的新模式和新技术。为了避开传统艺术创作的规范,Martin的作品有目的的将艺术,表演艺术,技术和商业结合。她的艺术作品曾展出在布鲁克林博物馆,非洲当代艺术博物馆,巴塔鞋博物馆,以及纽约布法罗著名的Albright Knox画廊。

Below the surface of Shantell Martin’s signature black and white drawings is an artists’ inquiry into the role of artist and viewer, where a work of art is more than an object of admiration disconnected from its inception. With a meditative process defined by an uninhibited flow, her compositions embody her internal state and the impermanence of the world around her. Exploring themes such as intersectionality, identity and play, Martin is a cultural facilitator, forging new connections between fine art, education, design, philosophy and technology-the glue in an increasingly interdisciplinary world. Her methodical practice of bringing the audience and surroundings into her drawings is a reflection on ever changing time and space.

Martin’s work with institutions such as the MIT Media Lab, Auto desk and New York University’s Tisch Scholl of the Arts denote her ongoing inquiry into new models and technologies that are transforming the way art is made and consumed. Eschewing traditional art world norms, Martin’s work purposefully bridges fine art, performance art, technology and commercial work. Her art work has appeared in the Brooklyn Museum, Museum of the Contemporary African Diaspora, Bata Shoe Museum and at the prestigious Albright Knox Gallery in Buffalo, New York.




Brand Collaboration

HFP x Shantell Martin 视频拍摄

HFP x Shantell Martin 主视觉设计

HFP x Shantell Martin 产品包装呈现效果

坚果投影 x Shantell Martin


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